Water problems
Hard Water is the result of water absorbing calcium and magnesium from limestone, chalk or marble deposits. Hard water is not a health concern, and is very common. Indications of hard water include: white marks; stains and scale on sinks, baths, toilet bowls and around the base of taps; blocked showerheads, and scale deposits on kettles.
Iron (causing Bad Taste & Odor, Rust Stains)
Iron is one of the most common contaminants in well water. Iron is not a health concern at levels encountered in normal drinking water. Higher concentrations of iron can cause an objectionable metallic taste and orange or rust-colored staining of sinks, toilet, bathtubs and clothes.
Water with a low pH level (potential of Hydrogen) is considered acid water. Water with a low pH can cause damage to sinks, faucets, hot water tanks, drainage, and supply lines. These problems can cause extensive repair costs or replacement. Pitting on plumbing fixtures usually indicates low pH.
Sulfur (causing Bad Taste & Odor)
Sulfur is a colorless gas which causes damage to plumbing and gives off an offensive, "rotten egg" odor.
When Chlorine mixes with organics in water, trihalomethanes (THMs) are formed. THMs are reportedly cancer-causing agents. Substantial amounts of chlorine are not appropriate for inside home and drinking use .
About RO (Reverse Osmosis)
1- Will an RO produce pure water?
Many use the word "pure" and many books have been written on the subject. Purified water is a term that has little meaning unless additional specifications are supplied such as; salt free, bacteria free, etc. Distilled water is probably as close to "pure" as water can get. It is made by evaporation and removal of all solid particles plus dissolved material. Purified water by the reverse osmosis method probably means that the original water has reduced mineral content. Purified water by ultraviolet light probably means that the water source was passed through an ultraviolet system in hopes of disinfecting the water. It is generally recognized that no single water treatment method is a catchall for all possible contaminants. Each water treatment method has its strengths and weaknesses and all are dependent on the condition of the water source.
2- What kind of warranties does the RO have?
All have at least a one-year warranty on the components. The company will replace any defect arising in any of the parts within one year from the date of purchase. Labor for installation is not covered and there is no liability assumed by any of the companies for damage due to water leakage. This is the "standard" in the industry.
3- I Only Drink Boiling Water - Do I Still Need a RO Unit?
YES! Boiling water removes microbial contaminants. However, boiling reduces the volume of water by ±20%, thus the concentration of the remaining contaminants not affected by the temp. of boiling water, such as nitrates & pesticides, are increased.
4- Will RO Remove Sodium From the Water?
YES! Reverse Osmosis was originally designed to make sea water drinkable for the navy. It is ideal for anyone on a low sodium diet.
5- Does RO Remove Bacteria? Cryptosporidium?
YES! An RO membrane has a pore size much smaller than bacteria virus, pyrogen or the cryptosporidium parasite. When functioning properly it will remove all micro-organisms (as small as 0.0001 microns) from tap water and produce sterile water. However, in water with a very high bacteria count, installing a UV light on the system will prolong the life of the RO membrane.
6- Don't People Need Minerals Removed From the Water?
Most of the minerals that we receive are from the foods we eat. Only a very small percentage comes from the water we drink. A diet that includes a variety of grains, fruits, vegetables and animal foods provide an adequate, if not generous, amount of all the minerals our body needs.
There are two kinds of minerals:
Inorganic - our body cannot absorb inorganic minerals efficiently enough to sustain life. Instead, they tend to harm our body and brain.
Organic - plants, through the process of photosynthesis, can convert inorganic minerals into organic minerals that your body can absorb.
7- Can the System Be Connected to an Extra Tap?
It only takes an extra T-piece and tubing to run the water to a refrigerator or an extra tap. Some families run a system to all of their bathrooms.
8- We've Been Drinking this Water for Years, Why Change?
The drinking water crisis grows worse each year. The chemical concentrations are so minute that it can take years of exposure before irreversible damage is done. By the time the symptoms are diagnosed, the damage is already done.
9- Where is the Unit Installed?
The unit is usually installed in the kitchen, under the sink.
10- What TDS is acceptable?
The TDS that your body can safely work with is between 10 and 20 TDS.
About AQUA LUXURIA central system
Isn’t water just water?
Actually, there are three types of water. There is Utility Grade Water, Working Grade Water and Drinking Water. Utility grade water is water suited for watering your lawn and plants. It usually requires no water treatment. Working Grade Water needs to be higher quality because it runs through your plumbing, fixtures and water-using appliances. To make these essential household systems last longer and save you money, treated water is needed. Drinking Water is a key component of our lives. Since 70% of the human body is water, the water we drink and cook with must be the highest quality.
Do I need to get my water tested?
Yes. The test should include a minimum of hardness, iron, and pH. We’ve the equipment to test your water accurately. Our representative can also demonstrate the value of clean, soft water – and the cost of untreated water.
Could AQUA LUXURIA Central System be installed outside?
Outdoor installation is common in temperate climates. AQUA LUXURIA Central System is designed with UV-resistant materials to allow outdoor installation.
Do I have to change filters in the AQUA LUXURIA Central System?
Never. The whole-house sediment filter is built-in and self-cleaning. Every time the system recharges, dirt and sediment are sent down the drain.
What if I go on vacation or have guests?
Because of the AQUA LUXURIA Central System Control, you do not have to change, alter or modify anything. If no water is used, there will not be a recharge. If you have guests, you may have additional recharges.